Discover AnalyzerPro!

The surge in motorization serves as a cornerstone of a country‘s economy, fostering innovation and societal unity. Regrettably, this progression bears a flip side: instances of road accidents stemming from driver negligence, mechanical malfunctions, or road management issues result in financial repercussions and, at the gravest extent, human casualties. Given these implications, a robust scientific approach to accident reconstruction becomes paramount. Enter AnalyzerPro — the quintessential solution for 21st-century accident reconstruction.


  • Creating diagrams with a single click
  • Precise phasing of the driving sequence
  • Fine-tuning calculations for maximum accuracy
  • Effortless tools for synchronizing driving sequences

Kinetics - Collision analysis:

  • Comprehensive set of input parameters, e.g., coefficients of friction, elasticity, driving behavior (braking, accelerating, steering, etc.)
  • Vehicle-specific parameters and defects
  • Seamless export to kinematics for pre-collision calculations
  • Comprehensive control parameters for optimal traceability

3D Visualization:

  • Diverse display options
  • Perspective from the viewpoint of involved parties
  • Accurate lighting settings with sun position calculation
  • Seamless integration of Agisoft Files

Data Analysis:

  • Detection of moving objects in videos and automatic determination of their velocities
  • Import and processing of Bosch CDR data
  • Analysis of data from digital tachographs
  • Analysis of data from sports and bicycle computers in FIT and GPX formats
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